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录入:长沙美联英语培训学校  时间:2021/10/12
摘要: 阅读在托福考试中占据很多的分数,也成为考生们参加托福考试的一大难关,今天长沙美联英语培训学校就带大家一起来了解下托福阅读当中常见的逻辑关系都有哪些?


1. 否定

明显: no, not, none, neither, never, deny

隐含: fail to, absence from, lack of, refuse to, little, few

否定前缀: a-, ab-, anti-, counter-, de-, dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mal-, mis-, non-, un-…

否定后缀: -less, free-, proof-


2. 并列

and/or, like, likewise, equally, the same as, same/similar to, in the same way

both…and…, neither…nor… as well as, not only…but also…/vice versa

3. 因果

明显:because, since, for, as, due to, owing to, in that, so…that…, therefore, thus,


隐含:导致:in as much as, cause, lead to, stimulate, spur, spark, push, motive,

prompt, be responsible to

由于: derive from, result from, come from, originate from, initiate from

on account of, in view of, according to, rely on, depend on

4. 条件

明显: if, unless, as long as, in case that/of

隐含: suppose/supposing that, providing/provided that, on condition that,

except when=unless

5. 比较

明显: 比较级,最高级+than

隐含: 最高意义:maximum, favorite, outstanding, top

6. 转折

明显:but, yet, however, though, although, even if, even though, while, whereas,

nevertheless, despite, in spite of, instead, in contrast, contrast to

on the contrary, different from, differ from, conversely

隐含: for all;倒装+as;even+时间(even when)但不重要

超隐含: 时间,空间,事物对比


上一篇: 长沙美联英语培训学校:托福考试口语独立体如何备考     下一篇: 长沙美联英语培训学校:雅思阅读如何寻找定位





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